What Does A Possum Sound Like?

What are these possums? Where do they live? What Does a Possum Sound Like? Well, several queries come to people’s minds. But, before this, one needs to understand what possums are. Well, the possums are native animals of Australia. They are furry and somewhat cute but they can invade your home and destroy your entire garden.

Possums are a pest and they are mostly active during the night. Possums spend the daytime resting and get active during the nighttime. One thing to consider is that possums appear in a group you will know about if they are in your area. This is because of their noise. What Does a Possum Sound Like? Whenever they are around, you will get to hear their loud noises. 

Possum can be identified by its brushtail, louder, and more explosive noise. Those with brushtails are found in urban areas and they love to hide on the roofs of homes. If you are experiencing loud noises on your roofs then this might be possums invading your home. Many people mistake possums with that for rats but there are a lot of differences between them. One of the common differences between both of them is their noise. Possums make aggressive noises at night. They usually cry as a way to communicate with other possums. 

What Does A Possum Sound Like

How to find out if there are possums in your home?

You need to find out the signs that indicate your home has been invaded by possums. Many times, homeowners get confused about whether there are rats, possums, or any other creature in their home. Thus, you must understand the signs before you do any pest control process in the home. Right from sound to infestation, there are a lot of things you can find out about them. Let’s check out these signs in a detailed manner. 

If there is any sort of unpleasant smell

One of the signs that will let you know whether there is a possum invasion or not is the smell. If there is a possum invasion in the home then you will get to have an unpleasant smell of their excreta wet droppings which will be similar to a cat. Whenever you are getting this unpleasant smell, you need to check your roof area.

Sudden disappearing food from home

Possums in the home can sometimes cause the disappearance of food. This especially happens when there is a pet in the home. Possums can cause the disappearance of your pet’s food items. If you are witnessing the unusual disappearance of the food items of your pet then this is a sign for you. 

Damage to the building’s exterior wall

Do you know that possums can cause an effect on your home’s wall? Yes, that is true as they climb through the exterior walls so there will be some sort of damage also. So, this is one of the first signs that will let you know that your home has been invaded by possums. Once you know there is an invasion of possums in the home, you need to take actionable steps to remove them.

What does a possum sound like?

This is a common query of most homeowners about the entry of possums into their homes. What Does a Possum Sound Like? However, one thing that you need to keep in mind is that possums can make different noises to communicate with each other. Though their noise can appear weird and aggressive to you, creating noise is just like a way of communication. Sometimes, they can make a very loud noise which can be scary for humans who don’t know about the possum’s noise.

Whenever a possum is in pain or gets hurt by anything, it will become silent. This helps them from hunters and others. If they make any noise they will be caught by others. So, they never make any noise if they’re hurt.

But the continuous noise of possums can make it hard for you to sleep. In such a situation, one can seek the help of the same day possum removal service as they help in their removal from your home. 

There are times when a possum makes a sound like a high tone scream. Depending on the situation, they can make different noises. These are some common noises that a possum can make and you can get an idea of their identification in your home. Let’s have a look at some of the noises that they can make:

  • Growling is one of the most common noises that a possum makes when they are in danger, threat or they are angry.
  • Another possum sound is the clicking one which is made especially by the mother possums. They do this as a mode of communication with the younger possums. Sometimes, they also make a clicking sound to attract their mates. 
  • Another common sound that a possum can create is hissing. This sort of sound is usually made by the baby possums to call or attract their mothers. 
  • Loud thumping noises are also common sounds that possums sometimes make when they move somewhere.

So, these are a few sorts of noise that a possum can make depending on the situation and requirements. 

Keeping the possums away from home

First of all, you need to keep your home, garden, patio, and roof clean. So, all that you need to do is to clean the trash, and leftover pet food and cover your dustbin which is kept outside. This attracts possums so it would be better to keep them clean. In addition to this, possums can come to your roof to find warmth and safety. So, you need to seal the holes and other entry points.


What Does a Possum Sound Like? Possums make different noises according to the situation in which they are. They also sometimes make hissing, clicking, or growling noises for communicating with each other. So, the above-mentioned points can help you a lot to know deeply about possums & their sound.

Let’s talk about Possum Droppings – The Difference Between Rat & Possum Droppings. Possum droppings have different sizes, shapes, and colours depending on the species of possum and the food they have been eating. Possums have different diets depending on where they live and what is available to them. Rats that live in the forest will eat different foods than possums that live in the city or on the farm. Possum droppings are often confused with rat droppings since they resemble each other. 

Difference Between Rat & Possum Droppings

Possum Droppings – Difference Between Rat & Possum Droppings

1. Rat droppings are usually smaller than possum droppings.

2. Possum droppings tend to be more rounded in shape, while rat droppings are more pointed. 

3. Possum droppings usually have a strong odor, while rat droppings usually do not.

4. Possum droppings often contain undigested food, while rat droppings do not.

5. Possum droppings are often found in clusters, while rat droppings are usually found individually.

6. Possum droppings are often found near their nesting areas, while rat droppings can be found anywhere in the home.

7. Possum droppings can carry diseases, while rat droppings typically do not.

8. Possum droppings can attract insects, whereas rat droppings are usually not attracted by insects.

9. Possum droppings can be a nuisance, while rat droppings can be a serious health hazard.

10. Possum droppings should be removed by a professional, while rat droppings can be removed by the homeowner.

11. Possum droppings are usually found in areas where possums are active, such as in trees, on branches, or on the ground. Rat droppings, on the other hand, are usually in areas where rats are active, such as in attics, crawl spaces, or homes.

What Do Possum & Rat Droppings Look Like? 

Possum droppings are usually 2 to 4 inches long, and they have a diameter of ½ an inch. They have blunt ends, and they tend to be curved. Possum droppings are black in color. 

Rat droppings are usually ½ an inch to 1 inch long, and they have a diameter of ¼ an inch. They have pointed ends, and they tend to be straight. Rat droppings are black or brown in color. 

Possum Droppings vs. Rat Droppings

Which One Is More Dangerous? 

Possum droppings are more dangerous than rat droppings. Possums carry diseases, such as leptospirosis. Rat droppings, on the other hand, are not known to carry diseases that can be passed on to humans. 

How To Clean Up Possum Droppings? 

Clean Possum droppings as soon as possible. The best way to clean them up is to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you can use a damp paper towel to pick up the droppings. you should disinfect the area. 

How To Prevent Possums From Entering Your Home? 

  • The best way to prevent possums from entering your home is to seal off any openings that they can use to get inside. Cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and roof holes are examples of this type of damage.
  • You should also remove any food sources that might attract possums to your home. Garbage, pet food, bird seed, and bird seed all fall under this category.
  • If you have possums in your attic, you should call a pest control company to remove them. You should not attempt to remove them yourself, as it can be dangerous.
  • Additionally, consider installing possum boxes in your yard to provide a safe and suitable alternative habitat for these creatures.

How To Clean Up Rat Droppings? 

You need to clean Rat droppings as soon as possible. The best way to clean them up is to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you can use a damp paper towel to pick up the droppings. You should pick up the droppings after you have picked them up. You should disinfect the area. 

How To Prevent Rats From Entering Your Home? 

  • The best way to prevent rats from entering your home is to seal off any openings that they can use to get inside. In addition, there may be cracks in the foundation, gaps around the doors and windows, and holes in the roof.
  • You should also remove any food sources that might attract rats to your home. Animal feed, bird seed, and garbage all fall under this category.
  • If you have rats in your attic, you should call a professional company for these emergency possum removal situations. You should not attempt to remove them yourself because it can be dangerous.

Is It Possible To Tell A Rat Apart From A Possum By Its Behavior?

The easiest way to tell the difference between a rat and a possum is by their tails. Possums have long, hair-covered tails while rats have shorter, hairless tails. Additionally, possums are typically larger than rats.

Do Possums Eat Rats? 

Yes, possums will eat rats if they are able to catch them. Possums are opportunistic feeders and will eat whatever they can find, including rodents, reptiles, birds, and even garbage.

What Does Possum Eat?

The possum is an opportunistic eater who consumes practically anything it can get its hands on. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, small mammals, carrion, and even garbage. One of the most common questions people ask about possums is what they eat. Possums are opportunistic eaters and will consume just about anything they can find. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, small mammals, carrion, and even garbage.


In conclusion, the droppings of rats and possums differ in size, color, and content. Possum droppings are larger, darker, and contain more hair than rat droppings. Possums are also more likely to leave their droppings in piles, while rats tend to scatter theirs. 

Finally, possum droppings are more likely to have a strong odor, while rat droppings have little to no odor. So, the next time you see some droppings in your home or yard, you’ll know whether they came from a rat or a possum. And, if you’re ever unlucky enough to step in some droppings, you’ll know which ones to avoid!

The presence of possums in your house is a serious issue. You need to take urgent preventive actions to stop the cause and the damages. The damages caused by this small sized creature are far more serious. You may get infected due to the transmission of many germs and bacteria. It may make you fall sick or even cause you serious health damages. They could surely be responsible towards the damages which are caused to your belongings. You must be concerned about their presence even if kids are present in your house. The main issue which the homeowners face during the possum removal is to find the permanent solution to this problem.

Many homeowners still think that you can only achieve best results just by hiring Professional Possum Removal Brisbane. Yes, they are the best option to choose in this subject due to their years of experience in this field. They also have the correct knowledge about how things work and how to handle difficult situations as per the circumstances. You can also achieve the best and the permanent solution to this problem without hiring expert pest control services. That is by performing all the expert steps on your own. Consider that you follow all the steps carefully and correctly so that you get the best results only.

In this article, we will tell you about the common places where possums hide or make their nest. We will also discuss how to get rid of the possums permanently.

possum removal
possum removal

Possum Hiding Spot and how to get rid of them?

In most cases, they like to hide themselves in the dark corners which are far from human reach. They choose these corners due to the dark and the humidity. There are greater chances that there must be a nest present inside, inspect your garden or your basement to find any of the nest of possums and destroy it as soon as you find it. After finding these spots you must clean these spaces and make it easier to access  by removing the things which are covering the space. You must make sure that pests are not present in your house nor have they made any nest in your house as they may lay eggs or increase their population in the nest. So to control their population, you need to make some changes in your daily routine to make sure that you are living in a clean and hygienic space.


In this article, we have mentioned the basic need of living in a hygienic space and how you can easily find the possum nest in your house and how to destroy it and make your house pest free and hygienic again. You need to make sure that you are living in a clean space as it is very beneficial for your health and to your kids as they may become the first victim of serious health issues if they live in an unhygienic space.

Although possums stay within their natural habitats most of the time, if they find the chance to enter your home or yard, they most definitely will. So if you have food crumbs lying casually, open holes, or are living in unhygienic conditions, these creatures will be making their way to your apartment in no time. Since they also cause massive concerns, it is best to find them and get rid of them as quickly as possible. 

Possum Removal Services

Understand your enemies and never underestimate them

Possums also have a habit of consuming residuals that could be lying within your yard. So If you have anything ready for consumption, ensure that you have got rid of all the food items so that there isn’t any possum roaming within and around the yard. Also, if you find new possums within the backyard, there could be a fair chance that they have some good food sources as well.

How to get rid of possums?

– Yes, you can get rid of possums with the help of chemical repellents, remember that they don’t have a huge impact just by themselves. A good possum removal company is generally far more successful. This also includes trapping cages and sprinklers that are motion-activated.

– If you want to keep the possums away from the garden, several homeowners also put up fences, which could be 4 feet high at least.

– You could make the yard a lot less appealing by simply pruning the shrubs, and trees or even removing debris and other piles.

– Garbage cans must also have lids that are tight-fitting. Your pet food should be kept away at night as well.

– You can close off or even block openings and entrances around the house. This also includes buildings, decks, and porches.

How to hinder them from entering your home?

Possums not only wander all around your yard or home but if they find enough crawling space, they will hide peacefully, regardless of whether it is a garage, basement, attic, or even big wall holes. So, what you must always do is understand all the entry points for the possums. So make sure to inspect your home, and see all the ways the possums are around the house. So once you have found all the entry points, make sure you seal them.


You never have to feel worried or even scared in the presence of possums. They are not at all dangerous and can just by chance happen to be on your property. You could also search for possum removal companies and possum catchers within your vicinity. The experts will help you take care of all of these. On that note, that brings the post to an end. If you have any questions regarding possums, you can also share your thoughts in the comments below and we would love to hear even more from you!

Possums may look all cute and cuddly, but once they are in your home, they can cause damage like there’s no tomorrow. Unfortunately, for many property owners, possums are found in abundance in Melbourne, which makes it important for people to always be possum-proof in their areas and buildings to ensure they are free from such nocturnal creatures.

Although possums do not pose any major physical dangers to your family, they could for sure cause major damage to your property. Dead possums too stink a lot and they could damage your quality of life for you. Hence, it is imperative that you use possum removal tips at home to keep them far away from your home, garden, property, and other areas.

But before all of that, do remember that Australian laws do protect possums. So regardless of how much of a nuisance you think they are, you have to find a thorough and detailed way to remove them from your property in a way the professional would. On that note, take a look at what to do when possums aren’t around!

Expert Possum Removal Services

What you should know about possum removal?

First and foremost, you can trap possums with the help of the building’s manager, pest control professionals, or a family member. Even someone who belongs to the maintenance department is good enough. The cage is one where you can trap them without leading to any injury. Once they are trapped, they have to be kept safe in a manner that shields them from direct rain, domestic pets, rain, wind, and sunlight. Animals who are captured have to be released on the same day and they could get caught within just a few meters of your property. We would also advise you to strongly look into possum pest control with the help of a professional to ensure you face no legal issues or are feeling clamped down with fines that cost you $5000.

How to remove them from your property without hurting them?

–  First and foremost, block the entry point using hard substances. Ensure that these pests are not ripping off the claws anymore.

–  You could also let up lights or even sprinklers. They tend to startle a lot of people just enough to make sure they leave the area.

–  You could also leave some dog or cat to cover up the area outside the home, letting the possums know that they should be threatened by something.

–  You could also use possum repellents. However, if you find a dead possum on the roof, you will need services to get rid of them completely. For this, you can call for services for possum removal in your region.

Always remember that possum repellents are also an excellent way of possum pest removal. However, you need to make sure they are authentic and do not contain elements that could injure or damage their health. Also, don’t make the mistake of stacking the bins outside. The trim and tall grass along with other greenery on your property seem more suitable and better off for them.

Did you know that Possum, an Australian marsupial, is protected according to the law passed by the government? But that doesn’t make them any lesser than pests. Although hurting them or capturing a possum is illegal and causes you to pay a huge fine, you can still avoid some trouble for yourself if you understand how to deal with possums in the right manner. Possums are nocturnal creatures. This is why their presence is hard to detect at night. The numbers can reduce over a period of time, causing habitat loss. Hence, they need to be protected. As possums prefer living in a more natural environment, they have somehow seemed to adapt themselves to human settlements. This also means that they are very good at coexisting with other species, including humans too.

Protect Your Home From Possums

What damages can they cause?

Australian possums are strong enough to damage your property. If they manage to enter your home, they could use wood or insulation which could become difficult for you to have regular electric installation. They also carry a lot of germs and bacteria which could become the source of an infection in your home. Since they are protected by the law, it’s best you call for possum removal services to eradicate their presence from their home because hurting them would not be a good idea for you.

How to protect your home from possums?

If you really want to avoid problems with possums, the best way to do it is not to allow them to enter your homes in the first place. First, seal all the entry points. Second, trim any branches that may be around your home. The branches over your fence should also be trimmed so that there’s no way they can enter your home.

You can also speak to Humane Possum Removal Brisbane services and they can give you ecologically sound ideas on how to prevent them from entering your home. Additionally, you can request them to install possum boxes in your backyard and garden to prevent these animals from invading your home.

Do you have possums in your home or garden? Here is how you can find out!

Possums aren’t that hard to detect. They are a lot less noisy compared to mice and rats and they definitely make bigger messes. Also, possums make very heavy noises if you compare them to mice or cats. The commotions that occur are mostly at night. So if the noises are not good enough, even possum urine will cause a pungent and distinct smell. You could see stains on the ceiling through your seams.

So, as mentioned above, possums are illegal to poach or hurt in Australia. This means that you have to book the services of a proper possum pest control expert and pay the possum removal costs. Otherwise, you could be paying a huge fine, when anything wrong happens to the huge creature. If you illegally kill any protected species in Australia, you could be paying up to 20,000 dollars to get rid of them. So be very careful when it comes to these animals.

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