Live traps, commonly used for humane wildlife management, play a vital role in addressing urban and rural wildlife conflicts. These specially designed boxes, often referred to as possum-capturing devices, serve as effective tools for addressing possum-related issues. Whether you’re dealing with possums causing disturbances in urban or rural environments, a well-placed possum removal trap can provide an elegant solution. By employing these innovative traps, you can safely and efficiently capture possums, allowing for their secure relocation to a more suitable habitat away from human-populated areas.
This approach not only safeguards buildings, gardens, and crops from potential damage but also fosters harmonious coexistence between people and these native marsupials. Ready to delve into the details of How To Install A Possum Box and embark on a journey of effective wildlife management?

Make Your Own Possum House
When you are sick and weary of a bothersome possum on your balcony, use simply two hanging baskets. Try this technique to provide the possum with a cosy house instead of allowing it to remain there. You can simply create a football-sized sphere that will serve as the ideal refuge for possums. Then, you can call an expert for possum relocation. You and the possum may live together while yet maintaining your separate spaces in this way. Give it a natural look by using coconut to line the interior of the matting. To complete the design and provide circulation and ventilation, you can make small holes on the opposing sides of the structure.
Where These Possum Boxes Can Be Used
Possum boxes, also known as nest boxes or possum houses, are artificial shelters designed to provide a habitat for possums and other arboreal mammals. They are typically used in areas where possums’ natural habitats have been disturbed or removed due to urbanization or other human activities. Here are some common places where you can use possum boxes:
1. Residential areas: Possum boxes can be installed in residential neighbourhoods, especially in areas where trees have been removed or where there is a lack of natural nesting sites. This helps to encourage possums to find shelter in a safe and suitable location.
2. Parks and nature reserves: In natural areas or urban parks where possums are present, possum boxes can be strategically placed to provide additional nesting opportunities and support the local possum population.
3. Schools and educational institutions: Possum boxes can be used in educational settings to teach students about wildlife conservation and the importance of providing habitat for native animals.
4. Orchards and farms: Farmers can use possum boxes to help manage possum populations in orchards and vineyards, which can sometimes cause damage to crops.
5. Wildlife rehabilitation centres: Possum boxes can be used in wildlife rehabilitation centres to provide temporary shelter for injured or orphaned possums until they are ready to be released back into the wild.
6. Urban green spaces: In cities and towns with significant green spaces, possum boxes can be installed to support urban wildlife and create wildlife corridors.
7. Zoos and wildlife parks: Possum boxes can be used in captive environments to create a more naturalistic setting for possums and other arboreal species.
How To Install A Possum Box Correctly
Installing a possum box, also known as a nesting box or a wildlife box, is a great way to provide shelter for possums and other native wildlife in your area. Possum boxes are particularly important in urban environments where natural habitats may be limited. Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing a possum box:
1. Choose the Right Location:
Select a suitable location for the possum box. It should be placed high enough to deter predators but low enough for easy access by possums. Choose a tree or sturdy structure with branches nearby, as possums are skilled climbers and will feel more comfortable accessing the box from a tree.
2. Obtain a Possum Box:
You can purchase a possum box from a wildlife conservation organization or specialty stores. Alternatively, you can build one yourself using suitable materials. Ensure the box is made of durable and weather-resistant materials like plywood or hardwood.
3. Position the Box:
Securely attach the possum box to the tree or structure using straps, screws, or nails. Make sure it is stable and won’t sway in the wind or be easily dislodged. Position the box so that the entrance faces away from the prevailing wind to provide some shelter from the weather.
4. Provide Bedding Material:
Inside the possum box, place some suitable bedding material such as dry leaves, straw, or shredded paper. This will make the box more inviting for possums to use as a nesting site.
5. Leave the Box Open Initially:
To encourage possums to explore the box, leave it open for a few days or weeks. This allows them to become familiar with it and feel comfortable entering.
6. Monitor the Box:
Once the possum box is installed and open, periodically check it to see if it has been used. You may notice signs like nesting materials, droppings, or even the possum itself inside.
However, it would be worthwhile looking at alternative locations if the possum hasn’t entered after a month. Possums are very particular about the places they call home.
Useful Tips While Installing A Possum Controlling Box
When installing possum boxes, it’s essential to consider the following factors:
- Proper Elevation: To avoid interference from other animals and ensure the security of trapped possums, install the box at least 4 metres from the ground.
- Camouflage the Box: Use branches or leaves to conceal the box. So, it blends with the surroundings and does not scare off possums.
- Secure cover and access: To prevent escape while they are inside, make sure the box has a secure cover and a small, possum-sized access hole.
Remember that the use of possum boxes should be part of a broader conservation strategy that includes preserving and restoring natural habitats for wildlife.
Prices For Boxes Are Listed As Follows:
There are two types of possum box ply and their prices can be different. So, take a look for a better understanding.
Standard pine ply: You may expect the possum control box installation price of $198 to $500 (including GST). This dependable and adaptable possum box may suit all of your demands with dimensions of 600mm high, 330mm deep, and 260mm broad.
Deluxe birch ply: For this, you may expect $327 to $980 (including GST). The product’s dimensions are approximately 440mm high by 300mm deep and 230mm broad.
Well, you may choose to get the installation done with the help of a possum control specialist who has proper knowledge of installing possum boxes.
In conclusion, possum boxes offer a practical solution for managing possum populations and fostering a peaceful coexistence with these marsupials. By strategically installing boxes in various environments, we provide safe havens while promoting conservation. Remember, possum box installation is a step towards a broader effort of preserving natural habitats and promoting harmony between humans and wildlife.