Do Possums Nest? While opossums typically do not actively seek out areas to build nests, they will take advantage of ready-made dens. Possums nest in hollow trees, abandoned burrows, rock crevices, and even attics and crawl spaces in human dwellings. And, that is why it is necessary for you to contact a professional possum catching expert for your house. These animals are not particular about their living quarters and will even cohabitate with other species, such as skunks, raccoons, and rodents.
Possums are generally solitary creatures, but they will come together to mate and raise their young. A female possum will give birth to a litter of anywhere from 1-13 young, which are born blind and deaf. The young will cling to their mother’s back for the first few months of life, and will not be fully independent until they are around 6-7 months old.

Let’s Discuss Some Points
- Marsupials carry their young in pouches, which is what makes their marsupials. The female possum typically gives birth to between one and six young at a time, and the young stay in the pouch for about four months. Once they are too big to stay in the pouch, they ride on the mother’s back. Possums usually nest in trees, but they will also nest in attics, sheds, and other places where they can find shelter.
- Female possums usually have a home range of about one acre, while male possums may have a home range of up to 16 acres. Possums are mostly nocturnal, but they may also be active during the day. They are not particularly territorial, but they will defend their nests if they feel threatened.
- Possums are not good climbers, but they are good swimmers and can climb up trees if they need to. They are not very agile, but they can run up to 15 miles per hour if they are scared. Possums are not very aggressive, but they will bite if they feel threatened. They do not carry diseases, but they can carry fleas, ticks, and mites.
Key Points
- Possums are nocturnal animals that are closely related to opossums. They are about the size of a house cat and have a pointed snout and furry tail. Possums are mostly in North America, Central America, and South America.
- Possums are generally solitary animals, but they will sometimes live in pairs or small groups. They are not territorial and will often share their home range with other possums. Possums do not build nests, but they will make dens in trees, hollow logs, or abandoned burrows.
- Possums are opportunistic eaters and will eat just about anything they can find. Their diet includes fruits, vegetables, insects, rodents, and carrion. Possums are also known to eat garbage and pet food if it is available.
- Possums are not good climbers, but they are excellent swimmers. They are very agile and can run up to 15 miles per hour. Possums are good tree-dwellers and will often spend time in trees during the day.
- Possums are not considered to be a nuisance animal, but they can be a nuisance if they enter your yard or home. If you have possums in your yard, you can scare possums with loud noises or some light. If possums are getting into your home, you can try to seal up any openings that they may be used to get inside.
Do Possums Nest? Possums do not actively nest; instead, they simply find a suitable place to sleep or rest. This might be in a hollow tree, a rock crevice, or even an abandoned bird’s nest. Possums do not build their own nests. Possums are nomadic animals and do not usually nest. However, when they do nest, they build their nests in trees, using leaves, twigs, and grass. The nest is usually about the size of a basketball and is lined with soft materials such as moss. Possums usually have one to six young at a time.
Possums are nocturnal animals and are very shy, so you can not often see them during the day. At night, they often nest in trees, using their tails to grip branches. They are also known to build nests in attics and other sheltered areas. Possums are not particularly tidy animals, and their nests can be messy and full of debris. You need to control them on time otherwise they will create a huge mess.
Possums are not typically considered good to have around your house. They are often considered pests and can be destructive to property and gardens. Additionally, possums can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans and pets.
Most opossums are arboreal, which means they spend most of their time in trees. Some species of opossums are semi-terrestrial, which means they live both in trees and on the ground. There are also a few species of opossums that are entirely terrestrial, meaning they live only on the ground.
Possums sleep in a variety of places, depending on the species. Some possums build nests in trees, while others make burrows in the ground. Some species of possums are even known to sleep in the hollows of trees.
Possums are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Possums generally eat fruits, vegetables, and small animals such as rodents or birds. Almost anything can be eaten by a possum, as they are omnivorous animals.
Possums generally live for around 2-3 years in the wild. However, captive possums have been known to live for up to 15 years.
A possum is a small marsupial found in Australia and New Zealand, while a possum is a small mammal found in North America. Possums are nocturnal, while possums are diurnal. Possums have a prehensile tail, while possums do not. They are herbivores, while possums are omnivores.