How To Keep Your Garden Safe From Possums

Possums can be a real problem for gardeners as they can cause damage to plants, vegetables, and flowers. They are known for eating fruits, vegetables, and insects and can also spread diseases and parasites. To keep your garden safe from possums, there are several steps you can take to deter them from entering your garden. Read the blog to know details about how to keep your garden safe from possums.

How To Keep Your Garden Safe From Possums

Methods To Keep Possums Away From Your Garden

Here’s how to keep your garden safe from possums:


One of the most effective ways to keep possums out of your garden is by installing a fence. The fence should be at least 6 feet tall and made of strong materials such as metal or wood. Make sure the fence extends into the ground to prevent possums from digging under it.

Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Motion-activated sprinklers are an effective way to deter possums from entering your garden. The sudden burst of water can startle possums and encourage them to leave the area.

Cover Plants and Vegetables

Covering your plants and vegetables with netting or bird wire can help protect them from possum damage. Make sure the netting is taut and extends above the plants so that possums cannot get to them.

Reduce Food Sources

Reducing food sources in your garden can also help deter possums. This may involve removing fallen fruits and vegetables and keeping pet food indoors.

Use Repellents

There are several natural and commercial repellents available that can be used to keep possums away from your garden. Some of the most common include vinegar, citrus, and eucalyptus.

Eliminate Hiding Spots

Possums need hiding spots, such as piles of leaves or bushes, to feel secure. By removing these hiding spots, you can make your garden less attractive to possums.


If you have a persistent possum problem, consider using humane traps to remove them from your garden. Be sure to follow local wildlife regulations and release the possum at least 5 miles from your home.

Possums can be a real problem for gardeners, but there are steps you can take to keep them out of your garden. By installing a fence, using motion-activated sprinklers, covering plants and vegetables, reducing food sources, using repellents, eliminating hiding spots, and using humane traps, you can keep your garden safe from possums. Remember to always be humane and follow local wildlife regulations when dealing with possums. 

How Can Professionals Help In Preventing Possums?

Preventing possums from entering homes and causing damage can be done by taking several steps, and professional help can play a crucial role in this. Here are some ways professionals can help in preventing possums:

Inspection and Identification: 

A professional can inspect the property and identify areas that are vulnerable to possum intrusions, such as damaged roofing, holes in walls, and gaps in the foundation.

Exclusion and Sealing: 

After identifying the entry points, a professional can use exclusion methods such as screens, doors, and vents to block possums from entering. Sealing cracks and gaps in walls, roofing, and foundations can also help in preventing possums from getting inside.

Humane Trapping: 

If a possum has already entered the property, a professional can use humane traps to safely remove the animal without causing harm. They can then release the possum back into the wild in a suitable location.

Property Maintenance: 

A professional can recommend changes to the property to make it less attractive to possums, such as removing potential food sources and cleaning up debris. They can also advise on regular maintenance to prevent future possum problems.

Education and Awareness: 

A professional can educate homeowners on how to prevent possums and other wildlife from entering their homes. They can provide information on the importance of preserving wildlife habitats and encourage residents to adopt humane and environmentally-friendly practices.

By engaging the services of a professional, homeowners can effectively prevent possums from causing damage to their property and protect the animals from harm.

Hire Professionals

Hiring professionals for preventing possums and other pests is a wise choice for several reasons. Firstly, professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively identify and eliminate pests from your garden. They can provide a customised solution based on the type of pests you are dealing with and the size of your garden.

Additionally, professionals use safe and eco-friendly methods that won’t harm the environment or your plants. Moreover, they can provide ongoing maintenance to prevent future pest infestations. Finally, by hiring professionals, you can save the time and energy that you would have spent on dealing with the pest problem on your own. Overall, hiring professionals can provide peace of mind and ensure the safety and health of your garden.

If you are looking for professional possum removal service providers and the best pest control service providers in Brisbane, you can hire the professionals at Humane Possum Removal Brisbane. They know all kinds of techniques that are helpful in getting rid of possums and other pests as well. You can hire them by giving a call on 07 3186 8640

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